
Mong Kok rioters ‘smashed’ Hong Kong’s values: financial secretary

Financial Secretary John Tsang Chun-wah has slammed the violent clashes in Mong Kok that took place in the early hours of Tuesday, saying those involved had “smashed” the city’s values.
“Values cherished by Hongkongers were utterly smashed by a small group of irrational people overnight,” Tsang wrote in a blog post published this morning. “Their violent actions far exceed the bottom line of the law.”
The Financial Secretary said having a sense of local belonging is normal as Hongkongers love the city and want it to improve.

READ MORE: ‘Stunned’ Hong Kong police reject official review of tactics and equipment for Mong Kok riot, believe it’s a ‘whitewash’

“But some people have used localism to mask their expression of hatred,” he stated. “This can neither rationalise the violence itself nor will it gain support in wider society.”
Tsang had previously said the rioters’ actions were not those of “genuine localists”.
“I truly hope that those involved in the riot will stop what they are doing before it’s too late”.
He added a note meant for would-be mischief makers: “If you continue to go down this path, not only will you be the loser, but the Hong Kong you claim to protect [will also lose]”.




      据美国网站Politico报道,拜登政府的一些官员最近在私下研讨,每天美国因新冠疫情死亡的人数要降到多少时才是可以让人们接受的“适度死亡”,才可宣布政府已经战胜疫情。   在美国一些政客的眼中,死亡人数只是事关政绩的冰冷数据。 不久前,美国新冠肺炎累计死亡人数突破10...