

 1.男人眼里只有女人的上半身men's eyes only focus on women body
  2.面具人生People are all wearing a mask to live a life
  3.男人,若被束缚了自由,女人对他再好,他也是厌烦的。Men are all eager for free. Nomatter the women are so good for him, he is always tired if without free。
  4.当初你剪掉了我翅膀,如今却怪我不会飞翔。You cut off my wings, but blame me for not being able to fly
  5.死于安逸A comfortable life will make you dispirited and lose the will to fight
  6.不知不觉地,虚度了许多时光。unconsciously,we waste lost of time.....
  7.长大的标志,不是我们穿上了大人得鞋子,衣服,而是生理心理上mature,doest mean that you wear adult clothes,shoes, but your mind and body
  8.长大了,我们就不是“纯粹”的人When growing-up, all we are actors
  9.当你算计别人时,会有人同时算计回你。If setting others up,someone willl also set u up back
  10.当生活一团乱麻时,请关掉自己的心情keep calml and left for sometime when your liife is a mess
  11.地球正在蜕变Our Oglobe is in metamorphosis
  12.富人的钱,永远是从穷人那获取The rich people get money from the poor
  13.高处不胜寒,官位,地位越高,越容易撞鬼The more higher we climb to, the more easier to be suffer
  14.孩子不能输在起跑线上Can't lose in the starting line
  15.很多人只靠一张脸活着,却不知早已和行尸走肉般苟且Many many people live but like a body without soul....
  15.靠男人的女人,总有一天会跌倒The women who rely one men will be beaten down
  16.渴望自由的孩子,仰望天空,却看不到真实A boy who is long for free but could not see the truth when he look in to the sky....
  17.理想很丰满红润,现实很骨感苍白The ideal world is colorful, The reality is gloomy
  18.没有永远的朋友,只有永远的利益No permanent friends, only permanent interests
  19.美好的表面下,总是隐藏着肮脏和丑陋dirty and ugly are always covered by Good surface
  20.你真能忍受所有人一样的眼光吗? Can you really dont care about what "the other say to you,and how the others look at you?"
  21.你真的知道,你身边的人是天使还是魔鬼?Is that a Angel or devil beside you ?
  24.其实天使就在身边,你却听了恶魔的话!In fact, he angel is near you, but you listen to the devil.
  25.人生就是舞台,每到落幕,永远不知道自己有多精彩You never can image how colorful your life is only when you are old
  26.人一大,胃口也大to be more and more greedy when we grow up...
  27.学校,本质和监狱差不多In fact, the essence of the school is similar to the jail
  28.如果看不到真实,我情愿把眼镜缝起来Long for truth....If you cannot see the truth, I'd rather be a blind....
  29.人越大,心越小the young we are the simple mind we have
  30.社会是不公平的,只能靠自己双手去赚Life is not fair, what we can do is to rely on ourseves




      据美国网站Politico报道,拜登政府的一些官员最近在私下研讨,每天美国因新冠疫情死亡的人数要降到多少时才是可以让人们接受的“适度死亡”,才可宣布政府已经战胜疫情。   在美国一些政客的眼中,死亡人数只是事关政绩的冰冷数据。 不久前,美国新冠肺炎累计死亡人数突破10...